Monday, October 17, 2011

My baby is 7...............

Where does the time go?  Every year around Megan's birthday, I watch the video montage of Megan's first year.  This year it really got to me, where has my baby gone?  Her baby looks have disappeared and she has turned into a beautiful young lady.  But, most importantly, she is just as beautiful on the inside as on the out.  She is so polite, caring, helpful, sweet and thoughful, that we couldn't be prouder parents.  She makes the best big sister and couldn't be a better role model for Jake and Jenna.  Everyone is VERY complimentary of Megan and she is just a great overall kid.  She rarely gets in trouble, and if she does, it usually only takes a frowned brow to get the point across. 

She continues to excel in school and it has been great to see her reading take off since starting 1st grade.  She loves her teacher, Mrs Denison, and Mrs Denison has told us that Megan is one of her favorites this year.  Megan loves to help in the kitchen, her art skills are amazing and she knows how to run the computer better than Leigh.  She loves learning and although she isn't too adventurous, she is beginning to try new things and has found out that she won't know if she likes it until she tries it.

She is taking gymnastics and cheerleading.  And, she loves them both!!!  It is actually a competitive cheerleading program and it has been fun watching their routine come together.  She is making new friends and the smile on her face when practice is done is priceless.

Megan - I love you more than you will EVER know. 

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