Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Cookies

Sugar Cookies at Nana's..she made them from scratch

I on the other hand went for the easier method.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Santa visits Preschool

Jake and Jenna were lucky enough that they got a visit from Santa at school too.  Leigh and I both went to the party, and boy were the kids excited.  Since Santa had been at the house earlier, Santa asked Jenna if she helped to take care of Casie (The Backus' dog).  Jenna turned and looked at us with big eyes.  Jake from across the room said "No, we don't take care of her, Casie just poops in our yard"  That had the whole class laughing.  He is such a clown.  

But, that was the tamest of his comments.  Another little girl went up to visit Santa and said she wanted a doll.  Before sitting down, she turned to Santa and said, "I'd really like a pair of boots".  Jake turned and looked at us, and I could see the look in his eye.  He mouthed to me..."Mom, she wants boobs?" as he was pointing to his chest.  I said, "No, boots" and I was pointing to my feet.  By this time, half of the parents saw him pointing to his chest.  Leigh was doubled over laughing and I was beat red.  Needless to say, I got him to stop and explained to him later that she wanted boots.  What a day.  Those teachers sure have their hands full with our two.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Since Leigh and I played sports throughout school, we always imagined that our kids would follow in our footsteps.  Leigh was the athletic one, but I had a competitive spirit.  One thing that parenthood has taught us is that it's no longer all about us.  Kids have their own likes and dislikes and that's okay.  Being a parent is all about supporting your kids, and the reward is seeing their face light up when they are doing something that they truly enjoy. 

That fact hit home loud and clear when we saw Megan out there on the floor in front of thousands of people with her cheerleading squad.  The look on her face was priceless.  Our quiet, reserved and serious little girl was our there cheering and dancing with her troop with a HUGE smile on her face.  It brought a tear to my eyes.  All of our reservations about letting her join the Niles Elite cheerleading group were gone the minute we saw her take the floor for their first routine.

The competition was all the way in Grand Rapids and although they didn't place, it was a great experience for Megan and they did a wonderful job.  There were 24 teams in her age division and only 3 teams made it onto the State finals.  Megan was thrilled with her trophy and loved the flowers she received from her cheering section.  Nana, Bumpa, Matt, Jenny, Adam and Abby all joined our family in the stands to watch our little girl grow up instantly during her 3 minute routine.

We can't wait until the next event.

All dressed and ready

Makeup too...

She looked 16

Her #1 fan

Walking out into the arena with her Starlight group

She found us and even waved (look in the middle)

They were #22 out of #24

Ring a Bell, that's our cue, it's time to try something new, we're so bright the stars will shine, NE Starlights shine brighter than the sky

Megan is in the back right and is the one that caught the flyer

Her cheering section

Look at that smile..showing off her trophy

Friday, December 16, 2011

Santa visits 4th Street

For the 5th year in a row, Santa has made a stop at the Franklin house.  This year, we were joined by the Sheltons, the Youngs, the Holloways and the Waggoners.  This may have been the first year that our kids weren't scared to sit on his lap.  The girls wanted to wear their Christmas dresses, while Jake said that Santa would want to see his Captian America costume.  We've learned to pick our battles, so Captain America it was....

Jake asked Santa for a Nintendo DS

Jake did tell Santa "Don't worry, I am still wearing my undies."

Megan asked Santa for an iPod to listen to music

She told Santa that she liked Cheerleading

Jenna wanted a DS, just like her brother...actually she said an iPad first, but chnaged it (thank goodness)

Other than that, Jenna was pretty giggly

Our kiddos

The Family

The gang (Megan, Jenna, Claire Shelton, Grant Wagonner, Carson Shelton, Lily Wagonner, Caroline Young, Eleanor Young, Jake, Emiy Wagonner, Troy Holloway..missing baby Kate and baby Hank)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Photo Shoot

In prep for our annual Christmas card, the kids got dressed up in their new Christmas outfits and took turns posing in front of our huge tree.  The card was really cute this year if I say so myself.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Gingerbread Houses at Fernwood

While Jenna had a special day with cousin Katie at Beauty and the Beast, Jake and Megan went to fernwood with me to make Gingerbread houses.  Everyone had a great time and there wasn't a mess to pick up afterwards, so everyone was happy.  :)