Friday, December 16, 2011

Santa visits 4th Street

For the 5th year in a row, Santa has made a stop at the Franklin house.  This year, we were joined by the Sheltons, the Youngs, the Holloways and the Waggoners.  This may have been the first year that our kids weren't scared to sit on his lap.  The girls wanted to wear their Christmas dresses, while Jake said that Santa would want to see his Captian America costume.  We've learned to pick our battles, so Captain America it was....

Jake asked Santa for a Nintendo DS

Jake did tell Santa "Don't worry, I am still wearing my undies."

Megan asked Santa for an iPod to listen to music

She told Santa that she liked Cheerleading

Jenna wanted a DS, just like her brother...actually she said an iPad first, but chnaged it (thank goodness)

Other than that, Jenna was pretty giggly

Our kiddos

The Family

The gang (Megan, Jenna, Claire Shelton, Grant Wagonner, Carson Shelton, Lily Wagonner, Caroline Young, Eleanor Young, Jake, Emiy Wagonner, Troy Holloway..missing baby Kate and baby Hank)

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