Friday, September 9, 2011

First Day of School

We all survived the first day of school.  Although they would usually go to Louanne Wesner's, Leigh and I walked them to their first day at Moccasin Elementary.  And, I have to say that I held up well...there were no tears and we are off to a great start.  Hard to believe that I know have a 1st grader and 2 preschoolers. 

Megan is in Mrs Denison's 1st grade class with her BFF Josie West.  They even get to share a locker, so she is SUPER excited!!!

Jake and Jenna have Mrs. Seddon and Mrs. Kuntz which are the teachers that Megan had in Preschool too.  Jake was excited to finally get to start school and Jenna was OK until she saw Mrs Tapia from last year.  Jenna was determined to go back to her classroom, but by the end of our visit, Jake and Jenna were playing happily with the classroom toys.

That night, we took them for a back to school celebration at the Sweet Shoppe downtown.  What a great way to end the day.

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