What a couple of weeks this has been. After a nice couple of weeks over the Holidays, it was back to normal at the Franklin household. Well, almost....
Megan started daycare at LouAnn Wesner's and LOVES it. However, this has been quite the transition in the mornings. We have been blessed up to this point since the Twins were born, to have my cousin Katie and my mom coming to our house to watch the kids. So, my morning routine has not been that affected...until now. My mom says that Megan is just like me, in that we are both NOT morning people. Getting Megan up and dressed and out the door "on time", has been challenging. But,we are making progress. Just wait for the posts a couple of weeks from now, when I have to start taking the Twins too.
Anyway, you know that it has been cold when 20 degree weather actually feels warm. This past week it actually got down to -19 during the day with -34 wind chill. Before the temps dipped that low, we got the kids bundled up and went sledding at Mom and Dad's house. We weren't sure how they would respond as last year was a disaster, but they all LOVED it.
We actually had to make Megan come inside...she is definitely Leigh's daughter. Here are some pictures from our adventure. As you can see, even Leigh got in on the fun.